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The start of the school year is a great time to share a book with a friend! See more from our Ducklings classroom here.

Building Bright Futures

Your generosity gave Sierra and Alison the opportunity to thrive!

When her daughter was an infant, Alison realized that something needed to change.
“I was a single mother struggling to find employment that would provide Sierra and I with what we needed,“ says Alison.
After learning about the early education program offered by Childcare Resources, Alison quickly enrolled Sierra when she was nine months old.
“Childcare Resources helped Sierra come out of her shell,” says Alison.
During Sierra’s time at Childcare Resources, Alison made the decision to go back to school in addition to working full-time, earning an Associate’s Degree in General Education. 
In 2018, Sierra graduated from the Childcare Resources School and moved on to kindergarten. Alison also graduated that same summer, having earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice.
Today, Alison is a Certified Child Welfare case worker and works in the adoption unit of a statewide nonprofit. Sierra recently started fifth grade at a local elementary school, where she is thriving.
“During her last school year, Sierra received awards for improving on math and reading skills almost each quarter,“ says Alison. “Sierra also plays softball and recently participated in the county-wide track meet.“

“Without you, I would not have been able to fully support myself and Sierra. I would not have pushed myself to go back to school at all,“ continues Alison. “Childcare Resources helped Sierra grow into the smart, independent, and loving child she is today.“

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Building Bright Futures

You Make Quality Possible

The Childcare Resources School renews national accreditation for third five-year term.

This spring, the Childcare Resources School successfully renewed its accreditation with the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). From the earliest days of placing students in partnering schools, the focus of Childcare Resources has been on the high level of quality that NAEYC accreditation indicates.

“One of the main missions of Childcare Resources was to have quality preschool, and we felt the best way to provide for that quality was for our schools to be accredited with national accreditation, which was NAEYC,” says co-founder Sherry Waddell. “The priorities that I felt were very important were teacher-child ratio, parent involvement, and the curriculum.”

Through the generosity of donors like you, Childcare Resources has flourished and grown, establishing our own preschool more than a decade ago. Through your continued support, the Childcare Resources School first earned accreditation through NAEYC in 2013 and successfully renewed in 2018.

“Renewing our accreditation affirms so many things about our school and staff,” says Tara Beard, Childcare Resources School Director. “It indicates that we use a developmentally-appropriate curriculum, employ well-trained teachers, use quality materials, and provide a healthy classroom environment.”

By renewing NAEYC accreditation, the Childcare Resources School joins an elite group of fewer than 6,000 preschools nationwide that obtain this accolade.

“NAEYC-Accredited programs have committed to a process that takes time, energy and dedication to complete,” states Alissa Mwenelupembe, NAEYC Senior Director Early Learning Program Accreditation. “Childcare Resources has demonstrated their commitment to young children and their families.”

You make quality possible

Moving Ahead

Gladys recently graduated with her Associate's Degree

Local early childhood education center director Gladys Williams has long been committed to furthering her knowledge and education. Attending Childcare Resources’ director networking meetings and professional development workshops, Gladys has worked hard to better serve the children, families, and educators she supports.

When she first heard about the Childcare Resources Higher Education Program, it was the clear next step she had been waiting for.

“Being a part of the Higher Education Program was an experience of excellence,” says Gladys. “Networking with students gave me strength and encouragement in my craft.”

This past spring, Gladys graduated from Indian River State College, having earned her Associate’s Degree in Early Childhood Education with the help of Higher Education Program staff.


Says Gladys, “I am excited to remain involved with the program to further my education and capabilities.”

Moving Ahead

Now available: recurring giving

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Have you considered making a recurring gift?
Your recurring gift furthers the work that supports our mission, allowing you to make an impact on a weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis.
Becoming a monthly donor provides steady, reliable funding for Childcare Resources programs.

You can be a long-term partner

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Join our Legacy Society by making a gift to our endowment fund today. Giving to the endowment fund increases your impact by allowing Childcare Resources to invest your gift and use the annual earnings to further our important mission.

You can see firsthand how your gift is making a difference while also ensuring your legacy by investing in future generations.

You can make a difference
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